Monday, February 25, 2008

Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #764 and a note

Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #764
Originally uploaded by Ape Lad

This one was a special request. The lands of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Hobotopia come crashing together.
In the coming days, you may expect:

The return of comics being available for sale (now at twice the price... KIDDING!) I'll also have a sort of primer on the whole process for those who are new 'round here or who may have emailed me (I've been meaning to get back with you, really I have).

Your book. If you ordered a signed one.

Some slight redesigns to the blog here and there. Maybe a new template. I dunno. We'll see.

Also some more experimental installments. If I have the time.

Thank you.